Home The Beltway Democrats, the media and their ‘birthing people’ nonsense

Democrats, the media and their ‘birthing people’ nonsense


A year ago, Democrat Sen. Cory Booker, along with Reps. Alma Adams and Lauren Underwood, also Democrats, brought forward a resolution of support for Black Maternal Health Week to shine light on the need to lower “morbidity among Black women and birthing persons.” The dates of this week were set for April 11 through April 17, and for 2023, new resolutions were introduced in both House and Senate by members of the Black Maternal Health Caucus encouraging Congress to address, as The Hill put it, racial disparities for “Black birthing people.”

Lies and the lying liars who advance them.

Birthing people, also known as females, are always females, never males. So why the need for the phrase in the first place?

This is yet the next step in the LGBTQ-and-their-enablers’ quest to cripple traditional family, crumble societal structure and usher in a chaos that’s so powerful it requires big government, bigger government, biggest government of all to swoop in and soothe.

Socialists simply hate the family.

Communists see the nuclear unit as something to overcome — something to smash — because it puts up a block to their abilities to control.

“Abolition of the family! … On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie. … The bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course,” Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin wrote in their Communist Manifesto.

“The bourgeois clap-trap about the family and education, about the hallowed co-relation of parents and child, becomes all the more disgusting, the more, by the action of modern industry,” they went on.

To communists, love is not the tie that binds family, but rather chains of enslavement and subjugation. 

That explains a lot about the demeanor of modern Democrats; their angry vitriol, their violent protests, their wild catcalls and irrational demands are rooted in communist-like disgust for, ultimately, self. One who cannot love self cannot love others. The mentally deranged don’t coincidentally flock to the Democrat Party; they do so because nearly all in today’s Democrat Party are similarly deranged, possessed of secular-slash-atheist scorn of all-things-godly, of God Himself, and by extension, all God’s creations.

That’s why modern leftists like to pretend men can become women by simple wish and will.

That’s why today’s left can, with a straight face, profess that men can become pregnant and give birth.

There are those within the Democrat Party who know this is a lie; they push the lie because it benefits their political designs to see communism come to America. Then there are those within the Democrat Party who are psychologically damaged and believe the lie because they are exploited by the liars as tools to bring a communist end to America. It’s a match made in a heaven for demons.

Democrats and their partners in media are perpetrating the lie of the “birthing people” because they have to destroy womanhood, so that they can destroy family, so that they can create chaos, so that they might seize control.

It’s bad enough politicians pander to the LGBTQ loons this way. But when media outlets go along, they show themselves to be propaganda organizations. After all, news organizations are supposed to be in business to present truth. How truthful can a press outlet be if its writers and editors can’t even clarify that “birthing people” are actually women?

There are a few simple truths Americans need to grab ahold of and refuse to let go — first, men cannot be women, no, never, no matter how hard they try or how many dresses they don or how many surgical procedures they undergo. Men cannot be women.

And second: Men cannot give birth. Men who do give birth are not men, but rather, women.

These are simple facts. They only get complicated when the communists and the crazies get involved. But let’s lose the phrase “birthing people.” There’s really no such thing. There are women and there are men — there are females and there are males.

And here’s the money quote: Only females get pregnant and give birth. Live it. Learn it. Love it. Let the lies go and let the liars be gone. 

Americans should not give breath to these evil-doers any longer.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.