Home Politics Mick Mulvaney, OMB director, touts end to federal hiring freeze

Mick Mulvaney, OMB director, touts end to federal hiring freeze


Mick Mulvaney, director of the Office of Management and Budget, on Wednesday touted an end to the federal hiring freeze announced in January, saying the new guidance is in line with President Trump’s pledge to run a more efficient government.

“By the end of the day today, we’ll roll out guidance to all federal agencies” when it comes to restrictions for hiring, Mr. Mulvaney said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

He said the goal was to create smarter hiring practices and make agencies leaner, which are issues Mr. Trump campaigned on.

The budget director also said the White House would like support from both parties for an upcoming spending bill this month and the debt ceiling deadline later this year.

“My guess is we’ll need votes across the parties,” Mr. Mulvaney said.

“We’ve set forth our priorities. The president wants more money for defense, more money for border enforcement,” he said. “We’d like to see those things in the April funding bill.”

The current spending bill expires April 28, four days after Congress returns from Easter recess.


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